• Tips & Tricks

    How to have the perfect skin on your wedding day


    In order to have a flawless skin on your wedding day you should start a skin preparation program with about six months before your wedding date. This way your skin will be perfect and you won’t rush into anything and you’ll let your body adapt gradually.

    Basically you should opt for a series of products for your daily use (and I really mean daily if you want to see results) but also special treatments that will help you regenerate and cleanse your skin. I suggest trying a microdermabrasion at home kit that will renew, retexturize, and revive the look of your skin.

    Using a microdermabrasion kit once a week will help you skin look smoother and softer and you will have an overall healthy appearance. This type of treatment combined with anti-ageing lotion, your daily tonic and other makeup products specific to your skin type will help you get the desired look on your wedding day. You can find many different microdermabrasion at home products at online retailers like ShopNBC. There are actual microdermabrasion kits complete with exfoliating wands, like the one pictured, or simple exfoliating masks and cleansers for those who would prefer to take a milder route.

    Just don’t forget to start the preparation really early because no result will appear over night but using product regularly and correctly will help you achieve the desired effect.

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