• 2013_collection

    Jill Stuart 2013 Bridal Collection


    Jill Stuart recently launched its Wedding Dress collection at its exclusively at its store in Marunouchi, Tokyo. Jill Stuart was born into the world of fashion as her parents owned a well known sportswear company in the 1960’s and ‘70’s dressing many top celebrities including Lucille Ball, Natalie Wood and Sheila Macrae.

  • Tips & Tricks

    Get your essay done in time


    Remember how hard was to write an essay back in the day? The hours spent in a library trying to do your research, all those tones of notes made to remember the small details of what you read and the actual essay you would hand write and later submit in person.

    Things changed and I’m not even that old. But times move on for the best as my grandmother used to say. It’s refreshing to see how our life changes under our eyes and how in this day and age everything seems to improve and make us a better life.

    That includes essays as well. As strange as it seems, given the fact that I am a writer, I actually support the essay service that we can access now. It’s not that I don’t support everyone that is trying to write but I’m glad that finally people that don’t actually like doing it can stop trying.

    In my existence I’ve understood, quite quickly, that as long as you don’t do something you like or you’re not good at you won’t be happy. And if being happy means to get an essay done as quick as possible that just click the service and enjoy.

    We always stress to much about small things and let big things fly away. Enjoy your summer lovelies, try to make the best of it and don’t doubt yourself, not even for a minute. Research what you are interested in, write about things that you are passionate about and read things that you find of importance to you and your loved ones. You’ll notice that life goes on to fast to put too much energy in things that have no importance or relevance. Use to your advantage all the resources that modern life offers, I sure would have loved to have them.

  • 2013_collection

    Jesus Peiro 2013 Bridal Collection


    Jesus Peiro is a luxurious couture designer who has been making his mark on the Spanish and European bridal market for a number of years now. As a designer he is committed to a high quality of bridal design with a finish that has been compared to Haute Couture. His contemporary designs will suite those brides looking for a luxurious unique wedding gown.

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