Tips & Tricks

Keep your work protected


Writing is an amazing thing both for the reader and the writer, but nothing can be more unpleasant than seeing your work on someone elses blog or writing platform (either online or in physical form). That’s why I always keep a free plagiarism checker at hand. These tools are perfect to keep your work protected.

We all draw inspiration from something – either a real thing or someone’s writing – and as long as we state the source everything is fine. Also using parts of someone’s writing is accepted, but when full articles are transcripted than you really need to use a tool that helps you. A plagiarism checker benefits teachers, students, website owners, and anyone else interested in protecting their writing.

These tools are great not only when using them for seeing who uses your writing but also for yourself – sometimes, even unknowingly, you use someone elses work (accidental quote, paraphrasing and so on) so you’d better check your paper or article before showing it to the public.

As I previously said writing is a gift to all of us so we should use it with care and respect for others work, seeing someone else taking the credit for what you thought is hurtful and shouldn’t happen to anyone.

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